A Scanner’s Life




Shipping a project means putting it out into the world so that people can consume it in some way. Courses are launched, books are published, art is exhibited and so on. You make it available so your fans, clients and customers can buy it. If creating is the Yin,...

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When you look back at work you did a year ago and don’t cringe, you have not grown. This is one of the most important lessons I have ever learned so I want to share it in more detail here with you because cringing is really a compliment and a fantastic reminder to how...

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Stories for a Good Life: Disney v. Pixar

Stories for a Good Life: Disney v. Pixar

Note: This post inclues spoilers for the Pixar movie Soul so please go and watch it first if you haven't seen it yet. It is one of the best movies ever made (not just for animation).Have you seen Tangled? The Disney movie is a perfect example for the type of stories...

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If you have watched interviews with successful people, or read books and posts about success habits, you will have noticed that one frequently mentioned skill is meditation. Have you tried it yet? The first time I tried to meditate was as a teenager. Now, over twenty...

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Products v. Assets

Products v. Assets

Do you know why most people who want to write a book never do? Even most people who start writing, never finish it. It's not that they are lazy. Yes, some are afraid of criticism and putting themselves out there. But for most people the real reason is mindset. We are...

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Breaks, Recharging and Fun

Breaks, Recharging and Fun

Breaks are incredibly important for our brains. While our brains are "resting", they are still pretty active, making sense of past experiences and help us think about the future. Taking breaks also allows us to generate new ideas. And often come up with solutions to...

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