A Scanner’s Life


One simple course – one clear result – under one hour

Course: Create Trust Through Colour

Create Trust Through Colour

With Miriam Bross

55 min

Transform your brand and attract your ideal clients, customers and fans with colour. Learn two simple techniques to create the perfect colour palette, turn it into a colour scheme and build trust.

Create GIFs with PowerPoint

Create GIFs with PowerPoint

With Miriam Bross

50 min

Promote your products, services and your brand. Compile text-based ads to showcase benefits or turn your product covers into mini-movies. Create with PowerPoint to share everywhere.

Reach Your Audience - Algorithms, Engagement, SEO

Reach Your Audience

With Miriam Bross

1 hour

Leverage algorithms, promote engagement and optimize your website and social media posts. Simply transform your content share your clear message with the world.