A Scanner’s Life


I’m Miriam and I am what the wonderful Barabara Sher calls a Scanner. You might be more familiar with the terms multipotentialite, jack-of-all-trades (or I guess Jill-of-all-trades?!) or Renaissance Person. I prefer Barbara’s term and will stick to it until I can come up with a better one.

Being a Scanner means that my brain is different from most people’s brains. I have to do shift my focus, work on a number of projects and jump around. If I try to do what society tells me, focus on one thing, become an expert, and so on, I become sick.

Being a Scanner is also a superpower. I can hyperfocus, learn and work faster than the average person and get way more done. It took me a while to accept who I am, mostly because I thought something was wrong with me. Nope. I’m was born to be this way and now I’m sharing with you how to build a successful life leaning into my superpowers.

My life is my purpose. My life is my legacy.

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