Miriam Bross

A Scanner’s Life

A happy otter washes its face. Quote: "We are game-playing, fun-having creatures; we are the otters of the universe." Richard Bach

Many interests, the need to learn and the inability to stay with just one subject, have only one career, or even live in the same country forever. That’s me. I’m a Scanner.

You may also have heard the terms multi-potentialite, Jack-of-all-trades, or I guess Jill-of-all-trades and Renaissance Person. what they mean is that I am different because my brain works differently.

If you have always felt like the odd one out, if you tried to pick a career, focus on one subject and finish projects but “failed”, welcome! You are a Scanner too and I have great news for you! There is absolutely nothing wrong with us. No, we are not flakey quitters.

We are built differently and have needs most people do not understand. Being a Scanner is a superpower! We learn much faster than the average person and can hyperfocus on any topic that interests us. If you want to know more, check out the blog, sign up for the newsletter or read about me.

My Projects

Emotional Intelligence for Life

Learn all about Emotional Intelligence skills and how you can use your emotions and feelings to lead an easier, calmer and relaxed life.

The Dodo Munches

The Dodo Munches

Sugar-free since 2022. How and why it started, how it’s going and what happened in-between. Also, tips and recipes for anyone who wants to try it for themselves.

And more…


How to Ask for Feedback

How to Ask for Feedback

Have you ever asked for feedback and then were unhappy with the results? Maybe you even resented the answers you received. Feedback is invaluable, people tell us, and they are right, but only if you know how to ask and whose opinion truly matters. I have asked for,...

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The Tongariro Alpine Crossing

The Tongariro Alpine Crossing

In 2012 I went on holiday in New Zealand. Ten glorious weeks of travel around both islands. One of the highlights of my holiday was the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. I had booked a hop-on-hop-off bus tour but because I had so much time, I stayed longer at every stop. As...

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I learned about mindfulness over two decades ago. Since then, I tried to use the technique many times. But just like meditation, I failed miserably because I completely misunderstood what mindfulness is and what it is for. Luckily, I spent some time diving into...

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