Miriam Bross

A Scanner’s Life

A happy otter washes its face. Quote: "We are game-playing, fun-having creatures; we are the otters of the universe." Richard Bach

Many interests, the need to learn and the inability to stay with just one subject, have only one career, or even live in the same country forever. That’s me. I’m a Scanner.

You may also have heard the terms multi-potentialite, Jack-of-all-trades, or I guess Jill-of-all-trades and Renaissance Person. what they mean is that I am different because my brain works differently.

If you have always felt like the odd one out, if you tried to pick a career, focus on one subject and finish projects but “failed”, welcome! You are a Scanner too and I have great news for you! There is absolutely nothing wrong with us. No, we are not flakey quitters.

We are built differently and have needs most people do not understand. Being a Scanner is a superpower! We learn much faster than the average person and can hyperfocus on any topic that interests us. If you want to know more, check out the blog, sign up for the newsletter or read about me.

My Projects

Emotional Intelligence for Life

Learn all about Emotional Intelligence skills and how you can use your emotions and feelings to lead an easier, calmer and relaxed life.

Ethical Automations

Find out how you can sell your courses to the right people at the perfect time for passive income AND how you can help people actually take your course so they can change their lives.

And more…




If you have watched interviews with successful people, or read books and posts about success habits, you will have noticed that one frequently mentioned skill is meditation. Have you tried it yet? The first time I tried to meditate was as a teenager. Now, over twenty...

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Products v. Assets

Products v. Assets

Do you know why most people who want to write a book never do? Even most people who start writing, never finish it. It's not that they are lazy. Yes, some are afraid of criticism and putting themselves out there. But for most people the real reason is mindset. We are...

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